From the moment we enter this world, we are labeled by well-meaning people who are quick to try to define us: “She’s the smart one,” “He’s so quiet,” “She’s bossy,” “He’s so lazy,” etc etc. And before we know it, those powerful words have actually taken hold, becoming part of our very personality and character. We somehow let them define us.
In Tailor Made, Alex unpacks the power of replacing the faulty and dangerous labels we’ve allowed to stick to our lives, and uncover the keys to truly flourishing and succeeding in life no matter where we came from or how difficult life has been.
In our constant search for a life filled with blessing and abundance, we often follow our human instinct and then wonder why we come up short. But it doesn't have to be that way.
In The Opposite Life, Alex explains that the secret to living a powerful and abundant life lies in the upside-down kingdom of God. As we learn to exchange our default instincts for the surprising teachings of Jesus -- our pioneer of the unlikely -- we discover a life of transformational power, abundance, and more blessing than we ever thought possible.